A Guilford Connecticut tradition since 1859 


What day and time is the parade?
Saturday, September 20, 2025, at 10:00 AM

What is the parade route?
The parade will begin at the corner of Whitfield, Water and Boston Streets, continue around the Green, then proceed east on Boston Street to the corner of South Union Street. Floats will continue down South Union Street to Calvin Leete School, where the riders will disembark. 

What happens if it rains on the day of the parade?
The parade will be held rain or shine.

How will we know where our group is located on parade day?
The week of the parade, your unit will be emailed a number for placement in the Line of March. The corresponding number can be found on the road written in chalk on Whitfield Street, Water Street or High Street on Saturday morning. PLEASE BE IN YOUR ASSIGNED PLACE NO LATER THAN 9:00 a.m. Marshals in yellow vests will be available beginning at 8:00 a.m. to help you locate your position. Most positions will be along Whitfield Street with some units lining up on one of the adjacent side streets. 

Who is allowed to march in the parade?
Any group or organization is allowed to march in the parade, provided they have submitted an application, a release and, if using a vehicle, Certificate of Insurance, by AUGUST 15. See the APPLICATION tab page. Small groups are more than welcome to march.

Are Music Groups Paid?
Non-profit, school or community organizations Music groups will receive a donation for participation in the Guilford Fair parade.  The Guilford Fair Parade Committee reserves the right to limit the number of participating musical units.

Do Vehicles need proof of Insurance?
If your parade entry will be using a motorized vehicle in the parade, you will need to submit a Certificate of Insurance, not an insurance card, that is obtained from your insurance agent. The Town of Guilford requires that all vehicles, including those that pull or serve as the base for floats, carry their own primary insurance with a minimum of $500,000 liability. MARCHING UNITS THAT HAVE INSURANCE FOR THEIR ORGANIZATION OR BUSINESS MAY SIMPLY SUBMIT A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE FOR THE GROUP. In other cases, a CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE must be submitted for individual vehicles in the parade. A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE MUST BE E-MAILED TO guilfordfairparade1@gmail.com NO LATER THAN AUGUST 15. (NO EXCEPTIONS) If your insurance agent is unable to e-mail the Certificate of Insurance, please e-mail guilfordfairparade1@gmail.com to obtain a mailing address. 

When should we be in our starting position?
Please arrive at your starting place no later than 9:00 A.M.

Can we request a specific position in the parade?
Only special circumstances will allow a request of this nature to be considered and will be entirely up to the committee's discretion. We try to cycle groups every year so the locations of units vary. School floats will remain toward the end of the parade, so family members who are spectators can watch the entire parade before having to leave to meet their school-aged child when their float reaches the end of the parade. There is no bad marching number!

Where should we park?
A great place to park is at the Guilford Fair Grounds, so you can go directly to the Guilford Fair at the end of the parade. Another good choice would be near Calvin Leete Elementary School on South Union Street, as this is the parade's ultimate end. Whitfield Street and all streets surrounding the Green will have a parking ban in place, so don't plan on parking there. Any of the side streets within walking distance of the Green would also be a good choice.

Can we throw candy and other favors to the crowd?
No, but you may hand it out. For the safety of children in the area of vehicles, we ask you not throw candy or favors that would encourage children to run into the street.